Gingy (aka "Gunky") needs a home


I was working at Balmoral Vets, Auckland in early March and we were just about to close up. A lady came rushing in with a dirty, gunky little ginger kitten in her hands. She had found it on the road and didn’t know where to take it.

His eyes, face and nose were sticky with pus and snot from the flu, his starving bony body was covered in fleas and his stomach swollen from worms. His ears were greasy and his half closed, red, swollen eyes, when opened, were opaque from ulcers. He smelt very bad. His weight was that of a 4.5 week old kitten, but we think he was about 6 weeks old.

The wonderful and caring veterinarian sprung into action. He blood tested him for feline aids (which came back negative), he treated him with antibiotics, eye drops and parasite treatments.

This little ginger kitten had a big night in front of him. Luckily he ate (ravenously) and drank, but his exhausted body just slept and slept. All the while, he purred! That night, we kept our fingers crossed he would make it through. It was important to keep him snuggled up warm and to give him fluids every few hours.

It took three days for the little boy to improve, and 2 weeks to fully recover from his nasty cat flu. I think he purred the whole time :)

(Thank you Mike for your charity and kindness.)



Little Gingy is not so little anymore! He has won our hearts with his enormous purr. He is super smoochy and loves to sleep on your lap. A really beautiful kitten, I would keep in a second if I had the room. His best buddy is Charlie (see my previous post) and we would love for them to go to a home together if at all possible.

He has been fostered by many dogs and loves to play fight or be cleaned by them!

Please help us find a home for Gingy!

Email if you are interested.


German Shepherd girl to be rehomed - all Katie wants is love


Please help find a home for Little Charlie (aka"Kraken")